1-2 Solving multi-step equations
CCSS Standards- 8.EE.7.
Critical Background Knowledge- Students should know how to solve one-step equations with fractions and decimals.
Content Objective: I can solve multi-step linear equations with one variable.
Lang. Objective: I can define multi-step equations, inverse operations, isolate, linear equations, reciprocal, and variables.
Essential Question: What in life motivates the need to create and solve equations?
I. Activity Day:
a. Warmup - WU1-2A Download WU1-2A, Do Summary for Cornell Notes C1-1L.
b. Activity1-2 Download Activity1-2 PJ page
c. Homework - Hm1-2A. Download Hm1-2A. and Complete Key Vocabulary section in Cornell Notes C1-1L.
II. Lesson Day- Book Page 12-13, Take Cornell Notes C1-2L Download C1-2L
a. Warmup - WU1-2L Download WU1-2L
b. Lesson: Remember to pull down "Common Core" Book Page, click Ch1 Lesson 2
c. Homework - HM1-2L Download HM1-2L, also 3 questions for your Cornell notes C1-2L
III. Additional Resources:
a. Video -
Links to an external site.
b. Additional Practice- Practice1-2
Download Practice1-2
c. Copy of Notes
Download Copy of Notes