Building a Course

One of the great challenges in designing blended learning courses is ensuring that the face-to-face and online portions of the course are well integrated into one, cohesive whole.  Be mindful of how online and face-to-face components will be integrated.

Stage 1 - rewrite a blended curriculum that weaves together core content knowledge, digital age skills and critical problem solving with authentic tasks. Start with asking yourself some questions about your current lessons. What isn’t working? Is there a way to move that piece online that would improve the outcome? Think of how you can "chunk" your course content. How can you offer students multiple pathways to engage with the content and learn in an environment that best supports their learning.

Stage 2 - build digital content assets and convert them into learning objects by uploading and organizing them in a digital learning platform. Start with a few technology tools that integrate well into your course, make sure that you understand the tool so you use it appropriately and don’t create extra work for yourself or your students

Stage 3 - connect the learning objects together to create digital lessons

stage 4  - re-image face to face instruction and leverage digital lessons for delivery